
El sábado pasado celebramos el cumpleaños de Gorka Air Guitar, que hizo el ídem, y Anita tocó el banjo y Javi el supercinexin, Rubén, El Artista Del Trapecio, dio tres volteretas seguidas y luego vomitó, y los Hermanos Farrelly se tiraron pedos con el sobaco y Diego estrenó sombrero, y bebimos bebidas crujientes en rojo desvaído o rosa genital, y conocimos al gran Santiago, quien nos hizo esta foto... Echamos de menos a Jerry Maguire.
Last Saturday we jumped Gorka’s Air Guitar birthday, who did ditto, and Anita played the banjo and Javi the supercinexin, Ruben, The Trapeze Artist, did three somersaults one after the other and then he brought up, and the Farrelly Brothers farted with the armpit and Diego was wearing new hat, and we drank crunchy drinks in red dull or genital pink, and we first met the great Santiago, who took this picture... We missed Jerry Maguire.