
sounds and silences: EAST RIVER PIPE
Tall Tale -periódico: "No Land Recordings contiene 25 canciones de humor zafio, con versos que podrían considerarse hasta pornográficos, y metáforas crueles que hablan de tuertos, de watusis (...) Remate homenajea burdamente a Prince y su éxito "Purple Rain" convirtiéndola en "Purple Stain" sólo para resultar excéntrico".
Tall Tale -newspaper: "No Land Recordings got 25 songs of uncouth sense of humor, with lines that could be considered even as pornographic, and cruel metaphors about one-eyed men, watusis (...) Remate pays a crude homage to Prince and his hit "Purple Rain", turning it into "Purple Stain" only to be eccentric"