sounds and silences: NEIL YOUNG
Tres coristas y un s贸lo micr贸fono, entre las que est谩 la mujer de Neil Young y, sobre todo, Emmylou Harris; que se miran y chasquean los dedos y asienten cada vez que cantan. Un bajista indio que toca 煤nicamente con el dedo gordo. A la steel guitar un viejo amigo de NY desde Harvest, con una camisa envidiable... y el mism铆simo NY, uno de mis h茅roes XXL, con la guitarra ac煤stica de Hank Williams (que compr贸 hace cuatro d茅cadas) interpretando canciones de su nuevo disco y de Harvest, Harvest Moon y Silver & Gold. Alucinante la pel铆cula de Jonathan Demme, Heart Of Gold.
Three chorus girls and one and only microphone, among them the wife of Neil Young and, above all, Emmylou Harris; they look each other, snap and nod everytime they sing. An indian bassist that only plays with the thumb. With the steel guitar an old friend of NY since Harvest, with an enviable shirt... and NY himself, one of my XXL heros, with Hank Williams's acoustic guitar (he bought it four decades ago) performing songs from his new album and from Harvest, Harvest Moon and Silver & Gold. Amazing, the film by Jonathan Demme, Heart Of Gold.