
Somersaults (Vueltas de campana) es el t铆tulo del disco, 11 canciones de amores y monstruos. Muni Cam贸n canta, yo compongo, Paco Loco produce, Chalky Blue & Lucy Harpy tocan todos los instrumentos. Muni adem谩s cocina, yo fumo, Paco ve Maxwell Smart Superagente 86, y Chalky & Lucy bailan nataci贸n sincronizada en una piscina vac铆a mientras cavan su propia tumba... (continuar谩)Somersaults is the name of the album, 11 monsters & love songs. Muni Cam贸n sings, I song, Paco Loco produces, Chalky Blue & Lucy Harpy play every instrument. Muni also cooks, I smoke, Paco watches Get (Maxwell) Smart, and Chalky & Lucy dance synchronized swimming in an empty pool while are digging their own grave... (to be continued)