
sounds and silences: ELVIS COSTELLO
1. Hay dos acepciones de la inigualable expresión común “El otro día”: A. La manera española, que se refiere a unos pocos días antes (dos, tres, a lo sumo una semana aproximadamente). B. La manera colombiana, que no acota el suceso, sino que puede referirse a ayer o a hace 31 años cuando perdí mi primer diente de leche. Ésta es mi favorita, por el misterio.
2. Hay dos tipos de ciudadanos de a pie: los que saben silbar introduciendo sus dedos índice y corazón en la boca, y los que no. Y dos subgrupos entre los que no: quienes venderían su alma por poder hacerlo, y quienes aunque les resulta admirable ese don, nunca se verían cómodos ejecutando semejante silbido.
3. Me repito más que un reloj, pero bueno: Elvis Costello es para mí la odisea de una vida de música, durante años publicando discos increíbles, luego colaboraciones alucinantes con gente dispar, reinventándose, aprendiendo siempre, genuino, inspirado, compositor e intérprete genial. Me gustan muchas cosas, muchas bandas, autores, pero hay unos pocos que juegan en otra liga, los que me pueden inspirar hasta una lasagna aunque no supieran cocinar, como la que estoy haciendo hoy (calabacín, pimiento amarillo, setas, ajetes, espinacas, tomate y queso), y uno es Elvis Costello.
1. There are two meanings of the outstanding expression "the other day": A. the Spanish way (and it's the same in English), about something that happened not long ago (two, three days, approximately a week at the most). B. The Colombian way, that doesn't delimit the event, but can be talking about something that happened yesterday or 31 years ago when I lost my first milk tooth. This is my favourite, because of the mystery.
2. There are two kind of men in the street: people who can whistle with their index and middle finger into the mouth, and who can't. And two subgroups among everyone that can't: persons that would promise their souls to the devil to be able to do it, and who, although they really admire that talent, would never be comfortable making such a whistle.

3. I'm repeating myself more than a watch, but it's OK: In my mind Elvis Costello is the odyssey of a music life, releasing incredible albums for years, then great collaborations with very different people, reinventing himself, always learning, genuine, inspired, brilliant composer and performer. I like many things, many bands and singer-songwriters, but there are few that play in another league, they can inspire me even a lasagna although maybe they don't know how to cook, like the lasagna I'm doing right now (marrow, yellow pepper, mushrooms, spinach, tomato and cheese), and one of them is Elvis Costello.