shimmy shimmy
No entiendo, y probablemente no me guste la gente neutral. Nadie puede estar equidistante del asesino y de la víctima. Aunque la vida no sea siempre un gran drama, lo sé. Pero el aguacate te gusta o no te gusta, no te puede dar lo mismo. East River Pipe no es música de ascensor, la escuchas o no, pero nunca la utilices como ambientador. Es difícil que confíe en alguien que utiliza un ambientador, de todos modos. No puedes fingir un espasmo si no eres Phillip Seamor Hoffman, la palidez, la profunda mirada de trance, luego bailar shimmy es infalible, no es para timadores.
I don't understand, and probably don't like neutral people. No one can be equidistant from the killer and the victim. Of course life is not always such a big deal, I know. But avocado can't be all the same to anyone, you like it or not. East River Pipe is not at all like lift music, you listen to it or not, but never use it as an air freshener. It's is unlikely that I could trust anyone who uses a air freshener, anyhow. You can't pretend to have an spasm if you are not Phillip Seamor Hoffman, the paleness, the deep trance looking, so shimmy dance is infallible, it is not for swindlers.