
Este fin de semana recibimos la visita embriagada de Laszlo Kovacs. El s谩bado vino incluso el verdadero Laszlo Kovacs, luego en la comida est谩bamos EVLK, LK, AB, D en la webcam y yo (R, mi consonante es obvia, pero ten铆a que escribir tambi茅n mi acr贸nimo, es divertido). Cocinamos un asado, porque toda reuni贸n especial tiene que tener un asado, y pimientos rojos dulces y patatas deshidratadas y t茅 con cardamomo, como si fuera el 煤ltimo ritual de la tierra. LK arregl贸 mi ordenador port谩til con una pinza del pelo (como veis en este diario todo encaja... leed mis textos anteriores si esto supera todo lo imaginado), e incluso consigui贸 configurar un tubo de escape en el ordenador para poder enviar a D a trav茅s de Skype sus raciones de carne, pimientos y patatas y el postre que nos trajo EVLK. Sincronizamos la l铆nea telef贸nica con un e-mail de 'generaci贸n perdida' y empujamos la comida al agujero. (Escuchamos Moldy Peaches, Baby Dee, Bonnie Prince Billy, Air y Billy Holiday).
This weekend Laszlo Kovacs paid us a punch-drunk visit. On saturday even the real Laszlo Kovacs turned up, so we were having lunch LK, TRLK, AB, D on the webcam and me (R, my consonant is so obvious, but I got to write my acronym down too, it is so funny). We cooked a roast, because every special meeting should always include a roast, and sweet red peppers and dehydrated potatoes and tea with cardamom, like it was the last rite on earth. LK fixed my laptop with a hairpin (as you can see, the pieces of this diary fit together properly... read the old post if this defies the imagination) and also managed to fix a exhaust pipe for the computer in order to send to D through Skype her side-dish of meat, peppers and potatoes and the sweet dessert that brought us TRLK. We had to synchronize the telephone circuit with a 'lost generation' e-mail and pushed the food into the hollow. (We listened to Moldy Peaches, Baby Dee, Bonnie Prince Billy, Air and Billy Holiday).