
© pic © Ed van der Elsken

Mrs. Bankrupt LUV
I look into the distance
with no pollution
no tricks
no magic
but with a real gun that doesn't kill
just then Mrs. Bankrupt
begins to sing wiggling her hips
with her really long arms
what a life meaning bug
Let me be the shooting star
that never crossed your mind
if I became old
it's time to settle down

Mrs. Bankrupt LUV
miro al infinito
sin poluci贸n
sin trucos
sin magia
sino con una pistola de verdad que no mata
justo entonces la Se帽ora Bankrupt (Ruina)
empieza a cantar y a menearse
con sus brazos largu铆simos
qu茅 obsesi贸n con el significado de la vida
D茅jame ser la estrella fugaz
que nunca se te pas贸 por la cabeza
si me he hecho mayor
es hora de sentar la cabeza