De qué va “SUPERLUV...” ya está clarísimo: actrices porno que se apellidan LUV... Pero, ¿y la música? Supongo que se trata de mis canciones + una digestión brutal de una comida de un luchador de sumo: the beatles “the white album”+ the glove + the stranglers + michael ivey ‘basehead’+ east river pipe + daniel johnston + guided by voices... producido por LD + la onda expansiva magnética...
What is “SUPERLUV...” about is crystal clear yet: adult film actresses called LUV... But, and the music? I guess it is about my songs + a heavy digestion like it was the meal for a sumo wrestler: the beatles “the white album”+ the glove + the stranglers + michael ivey ‘basehead’+ east river pipe + daniel johnston + guided by voices... produced by LD + the magnetic shock wave...