
sounds and silences: Billy Bragg (& Beth Ditto)

en el piso de arriba trota un caballo desorientado
una vez pregunt茅 a los vecinos por 茅l
result贸 una pregunta suspendida en las l谩mparas de ara帽a invisibles
no lo he visto nunca pero oigo sus herraduras que se clavan
y los gritos de voces feas que le aturden
un hombre de unos 70 desesperado y cotilla y af贸nico y ag贸nico y desconfiado
ella chirriante y oxigenada y displicente y caritativa y mascando chicle

a disoriented horse is trotting on the floor above us
I asked my neighbours about it once
it became a broken off question, on the invisible spider lamps
I've never seen it but I hear how the horseshoes are sticking
and the ugly voices shouting, defeaning
a man in his 70 desperated and gossip and have lost his voice and dying effort and wary
she, squeaky and bleached and disdainful and charitable and chewing gum