sounds and silences: Mark Sandman
Entre la extinci贸n y la ficci贸n, mi h谩bitat favorito, as铆 me he sentido esta primera parte de la gira de nuevo. Mark Sandman de Morphine se sent贸 a mi lado y me susurr贸 al o铆do: la vida es UNA ARA脩A A PUNTO DE COMERSE UNA MOSCA (1). Una tela de ara帽a entre las ramas de un arbusto y el olor a epifan铆a. En el medio est谩 la m煤sica.
Between the extinction and the fiction, my favourite habitat, that's the way I've been felling this first part of the tour again. Mark Sandman from Morphine sat next to mine and whispered it in my ear: life is A SPIDER ABOUT TO EAT A FLY (1). A spider web around a bush branch and the smell of epiphany. Between both there's the music.