
© pic ana bolívar

moldy peaches, café americano, man on wire, chili con carne, stalisnavsky, guitarras + casiotone + microkorg, puré de patata, tyrannosaurus rex, letras de canciones del pasado y del futuro, raymond carver, david berman, daniel clowes, lost, sexo, alan j. pakula, lluvia, no recuerdo dónde aparqué el coche, conejillo de indias, artistas dementes y, sobre todo, una chaqueta definitiva, la que pasará a mi posteridad

moldy peaches, american coffee, man on wire, chili with meat, stalisnavsky, guitars + casiotone + microkorg, mashed potatotes, tyrannosaurus rex, old and future song lyrics, raymond carver, david berman, daniel clowes, lost, sex, alan j. pakula, raining, don't remember where i parked my car, guinea pig, insane artists and, above all, the definitive jacket, the one that will go down my history