
sounds and silences: TOM WAITS
again and always otra vez y siempre
"Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards"
(photo : Danny Clinch)
I got many amusing songs from the futurism even though the 25 new songs from "No Land Recordings" haven't been released yet (february 2007). It is not a sign of special inspiration or any other cheap stupid thing, it is only to let you know that I also crop tangible abstraction besides radish and ginger. This is one of the lyrics. Tengo muchas canciones entretenidas del futurismo cuando a煤n no se han publicado las 25 nuevas de "No Land Recordings" (febrero 2007). No es ninguna se帽al de especial inspiraci贸n ni ninguna otra sandez barata, es s贸lo para que sep谩is que cultivo tambi茅n la abstracci贸n tangible aparte de r谩banos y jengibre. 脡sta es una de las letras.